
Stars on Ice

Kurt Browning Program Information

Program: Hey Pachuco/Topsy
Artist: Royal Crown Revue
Choreographer: Kurt Browning, Brian Boitano, and Lea Ann Miller

Performances: 2003 Kurt Browning's Gotta Skate (duet with Brian Boitano)

Photos: http://www.kurtfiles.com/pics/tyan/gottaskate03_8.php#duet

CDs: Royal Crown Revue - Mugzy's Move

Musical clip(s): Hey Pachuco and Topsy

Lyrics: "Hey Pachuco" - Royal Crown Revue

(Hey, Pachuco)
(Hey) Summer '43
(Hey) The man's gunnin' for me
(Hey) Blue and white mean war tonight

(Hey) They say damn my pride
(Hey) And all the other cats livin' down the east side
(Hey) And that there's no place to hide
[So I can't]

Hey, Marie (Hey)
(Hey) / You better grab my jack and zip gun for me
(Hey) / 'Cuz I'll face no shame / (Hey)
(Hey) / Tonight's the night I die for our name

Well, when we hit downtown
We stopped, broke down
We end up doing time
Soon as we met up
They're out to get us
Exhausted, but that's gettin' a mind

(Hey) (Hey, Hey, Hey)

Yeah, go, baby go

(Hey, Hey, Hey)
(Hey, Hey, Hey)
(Hey, Pachuco)

Topsy - instrumental

Artist website: http://www.rcr.com

Random facts: Kurt Browning and Brian Boitano performed this as a duet at the 2003
Kurt Browning's Gotta Skate show. The program opened with Kurt doing
his Hey Pachuco routine and segued into Topsy, with Kurt and Brian (in
his Hernando's Hideaway costume and persona, puffing the cigar in
Kurt's face) facing off, mirroring each other in a vaguely
antagonistic manner, doing side by side double axels, death drops, and
footwork. This was the first time Kurt and Brian had ever worked
together like this, and apparently was one of the conditions Brian put
on his appearance at Kurt's show - that they would be able to do
something together. According to Kurt, Brian arrived two days early
so the two of them could work the program out at the Granite Club, and
even at retakes, Brian was making sure he had the footwork down just
right with help from Kurt. The two of them were rather obviously
dedicated to getting a good duet done, and the product was a great
program from the two of them.