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Dorothy Hamill talks 'Stars on Ice,' changes in figure skating

Source: The Patriot-News
Date: December 28, 2012
Author: Julia Hatmaker
America's Sweetheart is coming to the sweetest place on earth.

Dorothy Hamill, the 1976 Olympic champion figure skating and World Champion, is returning to the rink for "Stars on Ice," an ice skating extravaganza featuring the best in the sport.

After her triumph in 1976, Hamill won a place in the hearts of many Americans, with her hairstyle becoming the latest craze. She won an Emmy in 1983 for her performance in a figure-skating production of "Romeo and Juliet." She even had her signature move, the "Hamill Camel," a camel move that ended in a sit spin.

Talking to Hamill is like talking to a close friend, there's something about her that makes you instantly like and open up to her. One gets the sense that this is a person who is truly nice - there is no better word for it.

Hamill laughs easily and is free to admit to being nervous about "Stars on Ice," despite being one of the best skaters in history.

She managed to spare a few minutes during rehearsals for the show to chat about "Stars on Ice."

How does it feel to be getting back to touring and performing on the ice?

"It's very exciting. I'm a little nervous because it's been many, many years. But it's really - I'm looking forward to enjoying it. It's a great honor to be asked [to be on 'Stars on Ice']."

I know this is Kurt Browning's last U.S. tour with 'Stars on Ice.' What is it like working with him?

"All I can say is, for me, better late than never. I never really had a chance to perform with Kurt. But I've worked with him before. We've skated in shows together, but I have not choreographed and done a number with him.

"I feel very lucky because he's such an unbelievable artist, entertainer, skater. I'm glad I have this opportunity before he leaves the show."

Is there anyone you're particularly excited to skate with?

"I've skated with pretty much everyone before, but I haven't toured with everyone. A lot of them I've been able to skate with in various charity performances. I've had an opportunity to skate in small ensemble pieces with some of the skaters I completely admire.

"I think Kurt's the one- to me he's such a genius in terms of skating, choreography and entertainment on ice. He's the one that sticks out on my mind.

"I'm a lot older than all of [the other skaters], so I'm a little nervous because most of them are so much younger than I am. But I'm so thrilled I get to tour with them and perform on the same ice stage. It's going to be fun."

Will audiences get to see the famous Hamill Camel?

"I'm working on it! I hope that it will be there. It's hard now, for me. But when I was younger it wasn't. My repertoire has shrunk to almost nothing. There's only so much left I can physically do. [The Hamill Camel] is not that hard unless you're an old lady like me."

How did the Hamill Camel come about?

"My coach was the one who envisioned it and described it to me. He wasn't skating at that point so he couldn't demonstrate. He explained it to me and I did my adaptation of what I thought he was describing and that was how it evolved.

"I'm not convinced it was exactly what he was looking for. But it's as close as I could get."

How do you think skating has changed over the years?

"The athleticism and the flexibility of the athletes today - it's something I can't even imagine. If I was learning to skate today as one of the young competitors, there's no way in the world I could compete at that [Olympic] level. It just wasn't anything I was born with.

"The gymnastics side of it is much more important. They don't have the school figures, the compulsory figures. The generations that did figures, that took up so much time that you didn't get to focus on anything more than a couple hours of jumping and spinning.

"We didn't have choreographers, we had people who would help us put a program together. They're all pros now. It's the real deal.

"When we were kids we worked hard and we competed and did what we had to do and always tried to get better but it's just so much more visible nowadays. It's a real sport and often there are people who say they miss the artistry, but you say the Olympics - that's a sport [event]. The artistry is terrific, but it doesn't necessarily allow you to be the best athlete always.

"I think to me that's the thing that changed, but I think it's had to because of the evolution of sport and competition and the Olympics.

"Youngsters today don't get a chance to work on the artistry as much because it's more about the technical jumps you do and all the complex spins and positions. You just have to do so much that you don't really get a chance to explore more artistry because that's not what you're judged on."

About those Olympics... do you miss it?

"I do, but I also know it was very simple times when we were doing it. But I also think 'Omigosh, I could never do what these young athletes do.' They're just so focused and they're just so intent and they're so young. Most of them are a lot younger than I was at the Olympics. The girls are 15, 16, 17.

"Unfortunately, they're not able to have the longevity because everything is so much more difficult and they get injured more easily.

"That's one of the sad things about it because it's hard for people to stay around a long time in the competition scene because they're doing such difficult things and it's easy to get injured when you're doing triple triple time after time... I admire them."

When did you know you wanted to be a professional skater?

"Skating is something that I loved since the very first time I put on skates. I was eight years old, on a pond. It's something that got into my soul and my blood. It's my therapy.

"I haven't performed in a long time, but I still love going into the rink and skating and putting on music. It's such a great form of escape for me. A lot of people go play golf or tennis, but skating, for me, is where I find peace.

Do you have a favorite routine you perform on 'Stars on Ice'?

"The one that I'm most excited about is Kurt and I will be doing a duet together. I'm really, really excited about that.

"He'll be mostly choreographing it. He's such a gifted artist that it'll be really fun to work side by side and create.

"To me that's 90 percent of the fun of putting together of a show, it's the developing of the show and the cast and the creation of whatever the pieces we're going to do.

"I have to say that's the number I'm looking forward to the most.

"It'll be different, too. When you're doing a solo there's only so much you can do. I always love to perform as a soloist, but it's a lot more fun to be out there with somebody else. You can really play off of the other person and show a side that you don't get to show most of the time when you're performing on TV shows. That will be fun.

"I'm actually looking forward to working with the whole case because they're young and they're hip and I'm not. [laughs] For me it's going to be a challenge to keep up with them all."

Any final thoughts about the show?

"Jeff Billings is the director and he's been talking to me about the concept of the show. It's called 'Now and Then.' It's a great opportunity to flash back on the old times and then of course the new, future generations of skaters. I think it's going to be sentimental in many ways, but also for me, it's going to be very fresh because it's very different from anything I've done in a long time."

DETAILS: "Stars on Ice" 6 p.m., Dec. 31 at Giant Center, 550 W. Hersheypark Drive, Hershey. $135, $75, $45, $25. www.starsonice.com; 717-534-3911.